We are a large Christian family, on a small family-owned and operated farm in Central Texas, in a beautiful little town called Rosebud.
We raise many kinds of animals, all of which are heritage breeds.
Including registered and unregistered Nigerian Dwarf goats, Mini Nubian & Mini LaMancha goats, Jacob sheep, chickens, turkeys, ducks, guinea fowl, Jersey & Golden Guernsey cows, and registered KuneKune pigs.
At our farm we do our best to give the animals we raise a natural, free, happy, stress-free lifestyle.
We firmly believe that all animals, even those raised explicitly for human consumption, deserve a comfortable, safe, healthy, and natural life. Our mission as the keepers of these animals is to give them the best life possible for as long as they are in our care. When their life comes to an end, we do so in as humanely a way as possible. Animals are not raw materials we produce, nor are they machines, nor are they human. We strive to treat them with the compassion and caring that they deserve while keeping in mind their position in life.
Since Little Sprouts Farm has moved to Texas from the Rogue Valley of Southern Oregon, the Lord has been leading us down a different path and we are taking a break from selling foods and beverages.
We invite you to see our adventures from when we started on our journey and about 10 years of adventures around the farm!
Our first website/ blog can be found at: http://littlesproutsfarm.com/