We are super excited to start offering classes, hands on classes, about all things homesteading! The first one is already scheduled and filling up, and there are more to come!
Why classes? There is a growing number of families starting a homestead, more than we have ever seen before. Families leaving the city to head out into the land and start really living! But, as many of you already know, there is a steep learning curve! I remember when we started out, leaving southern California for Oregon, so many years ago. WOW was it a challenge. Even though I grew up on a farm myself, my family moved to town when I was 7 so there were no usable memories to fall back on. It was a journey from scratch, filled with so many mistakes we can not count! Our journey is documented on our old website http://littlesproutsfarm.blogspot.com
We have lots to learn yet, but have amassed a wealth of “do this, don’t do that” knowledge, skillsets, and basic farming wisdom. Now it’s time to share what the Lord has given us! If we can save someone else from a few mistakes that we made, that’s a good thing!
Some proposed classes to keep an eye out for are:
Turning wool fleece into things
Processing medium animals (pigs, sheep, goats)
Pasture gardening
Sheering sheep
Raising poultry
Fencing and containment
Fodder production
Growing bugs for feed
Following nature instead of fighting it
Food as medicine to bring health
If you have ideas for classes you would like to see, please do reply here and we will consider. There are SO MANY topics we could address!
This will be a fun year indeed! We look forward to meeting each of you and sharing what we have been given!